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Season 42 Coach’s Interview w/ Cam-Seahawks

Cam is another user who has been in BL for a long time & is just coming off of a division title & wildcard round appearance. Things are looking up in Seattle! My biggest takeaway from this chat with Cam is that he feels as though he is prime position for another division title and fully capable of competing year in & year out.  I think I speak on behalf of the league here, a competitive Cam is great for the league!


What was your offseason focus & do you believe that you achieved those goals? Primarily in regards to trades & FA itself.

Cam: My off-season focus was to fill the holes I felt were still there on this team without breaking the bank. I feel I did pretty well with that with a few key signings and position movement. In FA I was able to get some nice pieces along the front 7 on defense to hopefully help the weak link.


What was your draft strategy & who should the league be on the lookout for?

Cam: My draft strategy was BPA the whole way while also getting some young guys I’m excited about. I traded down a couple of times to get more young and inexpensive pieces to fill out the roster and develop. The big draft pick was LB Matt Folk in the second. He is a talented LB who can play the pass and stop the run. Very athletic and smart, he will be a superstar for this defense.


What is your realistic expectation for this season? Playoffs? Division Title? SB or bust?

Cam: My expectation for this season is the same as last season, win the division while still developing the young guys for long term success. I know I took everyone by surprise last season winning the division but I don’t think it was a fluke. I know I can be a playoff contender every year if my head is in the right spot and it is finally there to where I will be consistent year in and year out.


If you had to name one breakout user for this upcoming season, who would it be & why?

Cam: Breakout user has a lot of different meanings to everyone and that’s the way its meant to be. The person I see being that breakout user will be Matt, I feel like he is finally getting the team building aspect down and a lot of his games were close last year. I don’t know if he can make the playoffs in a crowded NFC but he’ll make some noise down the stretch and have his name in there until the end.