League Content

Content-a-palooza the QB part

Welcome back gentlemen. We’ve talked about how people make their lists and what they look for in a team so let’s dive individually into each position. Hopefully this week we’ll get to all 5 offensive groups(QB, RB, TE, WR, OL). First up we’re going to go with QB and how I prefaced this whole thing was with this statement:


‘For the positions be as in depth as you would like (talk about physicals, certain atts, age, throw motion, etc). Also treat it as if players are capped at 90 overall. We all want 99 overall players but if you could only pick certain atts which ones mean the most to you.’


And here’s how the league answered in three parts:


What do you look for in QBs, outside of the obvious speed and throw power?


  • The AlexG (youtube) offense is best suited for the Strong Arm archetype. When developing quarterbacks, I firmly believe that this skill progression provides the best combination of upgrades including THP and deep/med accuracy. A fast quarterback is not a necessity for my offense but it’s certainly a luxury. I covet quarterbacks that can handle high pressure situations. My quarterback needs a high throw under pressure, awareness, and an ideal sense pressure trait.
  • usually look for young talent with strong pocket passing attributes
  • What i look for is Throw under pressure, throw on the run, and then followed by general passing stats (deep throw, medium, short). Qbs under pressure can overthrow the most wide open target, same with being on the run. you always have to be able to extend plays in madden if you need to, so those 2 attributes matter a lot imo.
  • look for DL rating on ovr Throw acc that isnt in game (shhh thats a secret) and also their sense of pressure and throwing motion
  • Outside of those I look at throwing motion, traits, and the accuracies especially on sim mode. 
  • i look at their traits. Specifically sense of pressure, this is more important on sim mode though. If we talk true stats, I’d probably say I’ve always wanted solid “throw on the run”. 
  • Throw on the run is a big stat for me cuz I’m always running like a chicken with my head cut off back there
  • A big one for QB is throw under pressure.
  • I want balanced throw accuracies. 
  • With QB’s I look for sense pressure trait, and when we move to the AP system best believe I’ll be slapping fearless on my QB if applicable. I also look for throwing motion and of course the accuracy ratings.
  • TUP, size, release.
  • QB release hadn’t been a concern at all for me until this cycle. Still don’t think it makes too much of a difference but it certainly is something. After that, throw under pressure, throw on the run then accuracy attributes.


1-10 how much does having a good qb matter to you?


  • like a 6 a good QB is great and all but you can get good stats out of anyone if you’re careful enough with the ball
  • 10, can really make or break a franchise that revolves their play around the pass. I usually have a hard time developing AI QBs, so getting an established quarterback on the roster is important to me.
  • before the past 2 cycles i would’ve said “doesn’t matter too much” but now my vote is a 10. just from going from 76 overall star qb to an 84 overall SS Qb, i saw a night and day difference, so yes, Qb is 10/10 important.
  • It’s tough to rate it on a scale of 1-10 because I either want a really good QB or a mediocre one that won’t take up cap. I don’t notice a huge difference between a 74 ovr and an 86 ovr in my experience. So if I can get a really good one, I’ll go for it, but if I can’t, I’m happy to settle for a low tier one.
  • 10. I’ve always been very pass heavy as a user and there is a certain confidence that comes from having a great QB back there. That’s maybe come back to bite me with overconfidence in my own ability to squeeze passes in there but id rather that than feel like I can’t make a pass.
  • 8 out of town how much a QB matters
  • I have two different answers for the good qb question, without abilities I’d say like 3 or 4 but with abilities included (even without easy mode) that jumps to a 7.
  • Since we are getting rid of EZM, I’d put QB at around 6/7 out of 10.
  • 10/10. Quarterback is the most important position on your team. I need a gunslinger that can complete my cover 3 beaters.
  • 6-7 importance. 
  • For QB’s I’ll say a 9.
  • 5, Ezm is nice but if you dont have any abilities i think most qbs are pretty similar. I think a good user can easily overcome a meh qb as long as thp is decent


What attribute(s) do you think are overrated?


  • Def accuracy stats, I feel like it’s totally random unless you have like high 90s
  • I don’t think there are any overrated QB Attributes.
  • I think speed is little overrated depending on how the game plays. If the QB gets sacked instantly at the moment of RT what’s the point?
  • Play action. I don’t run much of it anyway but don’t remember ever thinking “oh man that guy must have a great play action rating”
  • awareness. truly don’t know what it does for a QB but it matters to their overall alot
  • Throw power is overrated
  • speed
  • Awareness feels unimportant.
  • Though I think it’s not completely useless, I don’t care about throw power as much as the league generally seems to.
  • Speed. Its nice but I don’t think high speed is as good as it used to be.

Awesome answers as always. This one got a little more in depth and it really caught me off guard with some of the answers. So let’s take a look at what people want in a QB first: a lot of guys want some sort of throw on the run and want their qb to either have a good throw under pressure stat and/or trait. A lot also wanted accuracies to be high but who doesn’t. 


Second we asked about how much a good qb mattered to each user. We had one that said 3-4 without abilities. And a bunch of tens. On average people said qb mattered 7.8/10


Last question we asked was what attribute seems overrated to you and a lot of people put speed and throw power. Hopefully the beta stays true and speed on a qb takes a big bump