Madden Franchise Rules


  • League Type: We are an in-depth, All-Madden, Sim League active since Madden 16.
  • Console: Xbox Series X/S
  • Game Style: Competitive
  • Difficulty: All-Madden
  • Commissioner: AlexG
  • Admins: Lucky, Dan, Bos, Warren, Ben
  • Advances: 48 Hours. See Game Schedule section for more.
  • Communication: Discord app
  • Links: NeonSportz, Better League Network on Twitch, Better League on YouTube.


  • Game Difficulty: All-Madden
  • Quarter Length: 8 Minutes
  • Sliders: Stock
  • Custom Playbooks: Allowed
  • Head Coach: Custom Required
  • Streaming: Must attempt to stream and archive games on Twitch, barring internet issues. Archive for proof.


Rule Violation Process

  1. Report to Admin: For suspected rule violations.
  2. Admin Review: Clips will be reviewed with disciplinary action recommended.

User Discipline

  1. Case-by-Case: Individual assessment for penalties.
  2. Criteria: Severity, past offenses, and league reputation will be considered.
  3. Consequences: Violations may result in warnings, player or user suspensions, or league removal (for serious offenses).


4th Down Rules

You may only go for it on 4th down if it meets the following requirements:

  1. Coach’s Decision: Once per game, regardless of situation. Fake punts/field goals count as your CD (including on PAT).
  2. 4th and Goal: Allowed at any distance.
  3. Field Position: 4th and 5 or shorter inside the opponent’s 50-yard line.
  4. Score: When trailing by 9 or more points in the 3rd quarter.
  5. 4th Quarter: Allowed when trailing.
  6. Overtime: Allowed at any time.
  7. Seal the Game: When a first down would end the game by running out the clock.

General Gameplay Rules

  1. Prohibited: Nano-blitzing, Motion-Snapping, Playmaker use, Hike and Haul tactics, Excessive deep dropbacks.
  2. Pocket Movement: Leaving the pocket is permitted only under pressure, during designed PA, rollouts/options, or for scrambles.


  1. Prohibited Actions: Exploiting game-breaking glitches is not allowed.
  2. Admin Oversight: The admin team and high council will assess and confirm suspected glitches and their severity.
  3. Disciplinary Action: Confirmed use of running glitches will result in prompt disciplinary measures.

Play Calling

  1. Play Variation: Must mix up plays; no excessive repetition of plays or formations.
  2. Cooldowns and Limits: 1 Play Cooldown, 5 Play Limit (Offense only).
  3. Pass Rush: Minimum of 3 pass rushers on every play; QB spies do not count.
  4. Stat Padding: Cannot let your opponent score to regain possession for the purpose of stat padding or “giving up.”

Chew Clock

  1. Basic Usage: Chew clock can be activated after the 2-minute warning of either half.
  2. Manual Clock Management: You may not manually let the clock run down if not in accordance with the chew clock rules.
  3. 40+ Point Lead: Chew clock must be enabled when leading by 40 points or more in the second half. This is in alignment with the rule requiring offensive backups to be in the game.
  4. 25+ Point Lead in the 4th: Chew clock may be used when leading by 25 points or more in the 4th quarter.
  5. User Agreement: Chew clock may be activated at any time in the game if both users agree to it.


  1. 40+ Point Lead: When leading by 40 or more points in the second half, touchdowns should not be scored under any circumstances, whether on offense, defense, or special teams. Chew clock must be used.
  2. Bench Starters: Offensive starters must be benched when leading by 40 or more points in the second half to prevent additional touches.
  3. 17+ Point Lead: When leading by 17 points or more with less than 2 minutes remaining, kneel the ball or run out the clock.
  4. Avoid Score Inflation: If ahead by 5 possessions or more, use conservative playcalling. Aim for first downs without aggressive plays or stat padding.
  5. Postseason Exemption: These sportsmanship guidelines are not enforced during postseason games.


  1. Suspensions: Players found stat-padding will be suspended. Breaking an NFL record may result in a “failed random PED test” and subsequent suspension.
  2. In-Game Limits:
    • QB Passing: Max 525 Yards
    • Rushing/Receiving: Max 300 Yards
  3. Two-Possession Differential: Limits apply only if there’s at least a 2-possession point differential. Close games are exempt.
  4. Intentional Give-Up: No deliberately giving yourself up to score with another player. Allowed only to seal the game or chew clock.
  5. Right to Punish: The admin reserves the right to enforce penalties for suspicious stats, even if the game score doesn’t justify it.
  6. Postseason Exemption: Not enforced during postseason games.

Special Teams

  1. Fake Plays: Allowed one fake punt OR fake FG per game. Counts as your Coach’s Decision for the game.
  2. Iced Field Goals: No maneuvers like spiking to avoid an iced FG.
  3. Punt Formation: Linemen and gunners must remain set pre-snap during punt returns.
  4. 2-Point Conversion: Permissible after any touchdown.


  1. Advances: League advances every 48 hours at 10PM EST.
  2. Late Games: If a game isn’t completed by 10PM but both parties can play before 10AM the following day—and only one other game is pending—advance may be delayed to accommodate this morning game.
  3. Matchups: Announced in #gameschedule. Confirm within 24 hours or face simulation.
  4. Force Wins: Declare “FW [YOURNAME] vs @[OPPONENT]” in game thread for force wins.
  5. Final Week: Non-impact games may be simulated to speed up postseason entry.

Disconnect Protocols

  1. General Rule: In the event of a disconnect, it’s primarily up to the competitors to decide on the appropriate action (restart, mock, FW, or fair sim). If an agreement can’t be reached, admin intervention will decide the outcome.
  2. 1st Half Disconnects: Mock to original Quarter/Possession/Score unless both agree to restart.
  3. Post-Halftime Disconnects: Show evidence to admins, who will determine the next steps based on the game context.


General Roster Rules

  1. 53-Man Roster: Must maintain a 53-man roster during the season. No exceptions.
  2. Cap Space: Negative cap space is prohibited. Cuts may be necessary to comply.

Position Movement and Edits

  1. Superstar & X-Factor: Can change their position within the rules, provided they are able to keep the same abilities.
  2. Depth Chart Requirement: Players must be on the depth chart as their listed position.
    • Not applicable to FB position as it is not required on roster.
  3. Interchangeable Positions:
    • OL
    • LB and DL
    • CB, FS, SS (with depth chart rules)
    • HB and FB
  4. Prohibited Moves:
    • WR to TE
    • FS or SS to LB
    • LB to SS or FS
  5. Exceptions: Admin-granted exemptions may be requested in #roster-request.
  6. Re-Signing & Training: No position changes to exploit contracts or training drills.
  7. Miscellaneous:
    • No changing player’s name, face, or college.
    • No QB motion or handedness changes.
    • Uniform numbers must be position-eligible.

Safety at Sub LB

  1. Manual Subs: Allowed only in DIME, DOLLAR, and QUARTER formations.

Player Re-signing

  1. Missed Phase: Players won’t be held unless under specific criteria (mid-season join or franchise tagging).

Contract Scale

  1. < 70 OVR: Max 2-year deal
  2. 70-79 OVR: Max 4-year deal
  3. 80-89 OVR: Max 5-year deal
  4. 90+ OVR: Max 6-year deal
  5. Special Cases: A player may be signed to a longer deal if he demands it. Please take a picture of the demand and notify a league admin.

Free Agency

  1. Minimum Bid: $250k bonus for players 75 OVR or higher.
  2. No Exploits: Can’t cut and re-sign for cheaper deals.

Draft Rules

  1. Draft Class Strength: OL = Very Strong, Others = Strong.
  2. Trading: No player trades during the draft, only pick swaps.
  3. Pick Swaps: Don’t require committee approval.
  4. UDFA: Any Superstar or X-Factor UDFA will go to a special Waiver Wire. They cannot be traded during their rookie season.

Coaching Staff

  1. Off-Season Moves: One staff change is allowed per off-season.
  2. Restrictions: You can’t hire/fire the same coach to gain points. No in-season changes are permitted.
  3. Speed Boosts: Only Tier 1 speed boosts are allowed.

Waiver Wire

  1. Notify Admin: Before cutting a player 80+ OVR, inform an admin.
  2. Waiver Lottery: Cut player goes on “Waivers.” A lottery is announced for claiming him.
  3. One-Hour Window: You have one hour to join the lottery after the announcement.
  4. Lottery Draw: Winner gets the player after the one-hour window closes.
  5. One Win/Season: You can only win one waiver lottery each season.



  1. Record Proof: Screenshot all breakout requirements to document the attempt.
  2. Re-Attempts: For simmed games, the breakout may be re-tried except for receiving an FL. If the requirements are completed, the player will receive their Dev upgrade.
  3. Disconnects: If the requirements are met, the player may receive their Dev upgrade. If they are not met, the admins will decide if a second attempt is warranted.
  4. Rule Breaking: If gameplay rules are violated to ensure completion of the breakout, the player’s Dev will be placed back.

90 Overall Dev Upgrades

  1. Superstar Promotion: Players reaching a 90 OVR will be upgraded to Superstar Development.
  2. Position Lock: Players upgraded to Superstar through this method must stay in their current position for the remainder of the season.
  3. WR to HB: If the position change is granted by admins, they are not allowed their 90 OVR boost until the next season. They must play primarily at their listed position. If the player moves back to WR, he may only keep his Superstar Dev as a 90+ OVR receiver.

Quarterback Development

  1. Interception Penalty: Quarterbacks with 50 or more interceptions in a season are ineligible for development trait progression/boosts.
  2. Dev Limit: A player can only improve one development trait per season. Additional development from end-of-season awards or Pro Bowl will not count.

Development Regression

  1. Regression Policy: Development regression will be disabled.
  2. Admin Alert: If a player’s development trait regresses, notify an admin for a reset.
  3. Non-Recovery: If a regressed player leaves the team via trade or free agency before being fixed, the player cannot be restored to their original development trait.


Trade Regulations

  1. Trade Submission: Trades must be submitted through the Neon app. Depth and Pick Trades are not required for submission.
  2. CPU Trades: Trading with CPU-controlled teams is not permitted.
  3. Trade Frequency:
    • A player cannot be traded more than once in the same season.
    • Each team is allowed 2 trades during the season and 3 trades during the off-season.
  4. Depth Trades: Trades involving only players with an OVR under 75 and draft picks from rounds 3-7 are exempt from the trade limit.
  5. Trade Confirmation: Trades are not considered final until accepted in-game.
  6. Rookie Trade Restrictions: Players drafted in rounds 1-2 cannot be traded in the season they are drafted, including real-world rookies in the first season of the cycle.
  7. New User Requirements: New users must complete 3 games before they are eligible to trade.

Trade Committee

  1. Membership: The committee consists of users with varying skill and experience levels, rotated throughout the cycle.
  2. Record-Keeping: A master document of all approved trades will be maintained and made available for all users to view.


Player Abilities

  1. Ability Tiers: Players will have abilities categorized into three tiers: Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
    • Max of 4 Gold abilities per team (no duplicates)
    • Max of 9 Silver abilities per team
    • Unlimited Bronze abilities
    • View the current ability tiers here
    • Note: Ability tiers are subject to change, including the possibility of banning certain abilities, effective the next off-season.
  2. Ability Lineup Deadline: Players must set their ability lineups by Week 1. After this, player editing is disabled.
  3. AP Limit Adjustments: The AP limit will increase in later seasons.
  4. 90 OVR: Players will automatically upgrade to Superstar Development upon reaching a 90 OVR.

Mid-Season Trades, Breakouts, and Unlocked Slots

  1. Trades: Players acquired mid-season may have their abilities changed within AP limit.
  2. Breakouts & other Dev Upgrades: Any newly acquired slot may be changed within AP limit.
  3. New OVR Slot: Any newly acquired slot may be changed within AP limit.
  4. AP Swap: Once per season, up to 3 players can change their abilities within AP limit.
  5. Request in Chat: All ability requests must be made in the #roster-requestchannel so an admin can make the proper changes.